Studies are showing that there is a marked increase in weight gain every year, not only amongst adults but, more worryingly, children also.
There are many reasons that this is happening, fast food has never been more available than today and at such affordable prices too. These fast food companies are well known for their use of saturated fats in their products, coupled with their ability to afford huge marketing budgets they literally brainwash the masses into eating their products. As you have probably guessed, I'm not a big fan!
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Other reasons for this weight gain are increased levels of sugar in processed foods, reduced fiber intake, overindulgence or overeating, genetics and because we, as a species, are growing increasingly older our metabolisms get slower with age therefore we are destined to be a world of fat pensioners!
Many people don't like the idea of waiting to lose weight and are continually looking for ways in which to lose weight quickly. Many of these people eventually decide upon the weight loss pill as their savior, in my opinion not the best choice but e will have a quick look at the benefits.
During the period between the 1950's and the late 1990's doctors prescribed weight loss pills freely. These pills somehow increased the body's production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that basically tells the brain the stomach is full even when it isn't, so these pills acted not only as an appetite suppressant but as a trigger to increase the body's metabolic rate.
All was well and good until research showed that these weight loss pills were responsible for heart valve disease and they were promptly removed from circulation. Since then modifications have been made to the drug and some forms have re-emerged. Some of which are still awaiting FDA approval, but such is the demand from the general public that this lack of approval is being ignored by many.
These weight loss pills gives out the wrong signal as many believe they can continue living the way they were before, without any changes at all, as long as they take a so-called miracle pill!
Millions are being spent on these weight loss pills every year and drug companies are rubbing their hands with glee, unsurprisingly! They are readily available, many of them over the counter but what most people are not taking any notice of is that there is still a huge health risk.
Diarrhea and vomiting, tightness of the chest, urinary discomfort and serious risks such as heart attack or strokes have all been associated with weight loss pills. Not to mention the effects should you take over the stated dose; which include tremors, confusion, hallucinations, shallow breathing, renal failure, heart attack and convulsions.
The side effects do vary and are dependent upon the lifestyle you lead and your health and you should always consul your doctor before taking any unprescribed weight loss pills.
Before you start taking these tablets to should be aware that they are also highly addictive and when you decide to stop taking them you will experience withdrawal symptoms and side effects, such as mood swings, hyper-activity, insomnia and nightmares, severe irritability, stomach pains, extreme fatigue, nausea, depression, vomiting and trembling.
Clinical tests show that these pills do work, but, and here is the big one. When used in conjunction with a low calorie diet and an exercise plan.
I will spell it out clearly for those that haven't read this article properly; these pharmaceutical companies are making heaps of money by selling you a product that is addictive, expensive, and not beneficial to your health and above all won't work unless you are exercising and dieting anyway!
I wouldn't even advise a low calorie diet as they do not work either! Check out the sites below for weight loss programs that DO work, that are healthy and that don't put your health at the bottom of the list of objectives!
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