By embracing the weight loss attributes of the cacao bean, the source of all chocolates, you can set your weight loss goals and achieve them following six steps.
1. Breakfast Early
Develop a way to get 9 grams of protein as soon as possible upon waking in the morning. This will fuel your fat-burning engine and you will start burning fat from that point on. I usually wait a while before eating breakfast, so immediately upon waking I eat a protein bar that has 10 grams of protein as a snack, so that I am burning fat from the time I wake, until I eat my first meal of the day. I have no desire to waste potential fat burning waking hours.
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2. Eat Five To Seven Meals Per Day
Spread out the fueling of your body throughout the day by breaking up your eating into three main meals with in-between meal snacks, so that you're fueling your fat-burning engine every few hours.
All eating should be done with your brain engaged. Unconscious eating leads to obesity. Read labels and keep track of every morsel that goes in your mouth (don't fool yourself - your body is keeping track of it - you should, too). Keeping a log of what you eat on a daily basis has been proven to increase one's rate of weight loss.
Also slowing the rate that you consume your meals will increase satiety (you will feel fuller on less, longer). I like to stretch-out the fueling process to last up to 20 minutes (even for snacks) to achieve the maximum benefits. If you eat smart, you can eat anything you want.
3. Eat Healthy Chocolate
Follow each main meal with a one-ounce serving of healthy dark chocolate. Healthy dark chocolate would be at least 65% cacao, and optimally would be cold-press processed, and processed-sugar-free. Of course, the fewer added fats, waxes, fillers, caffeine, preservatives, etc... the better.
Letting an ounce of healthy chocolate melt-in-your-mouth following a meal signals the brain that the fueling process is over, as the appetite suppressant features of the chocolate kick-in, holding-you-over until your next snack or meal without struggle.
There are many health and weight loss benefits tucked away in the nearly 500 chemical components of the cacao bean - being an effective appetite suppressant is just one of them.
4. Oxygenate
Oxygenate your cells by moving. You don't need to exercise - as a matter of fact - exercise can be counter-productive in the long run. What's happened to my friends who have been running, jumping, exercising and gyrating in an effort to stay healthy and slim for the last thirty years? Many have had injuries to knees, shoulders, hips, back, shins, arms, shoulders, neck, legs and feet, complete with the associated surgeries! Plus, they have to increase their exercise regimens regularly in order to compensate for the body's ability to adjust metabolism to your body's energy needs.
I suggest that you simply get a pedometer with a step-counter feature. The average person takes 3,000-to-5,000 steps per day. Once you have your step counter, set a goal for yourself to take 10,000-steps-per-day. This will appropriately oxygenate your cells for healthy weight loss.
Sometimes, my day begins to wind-down, and I check my pedometer, and I could be as many as 3,000 steps short for that day, and it's closing-in on prime-time television programming... No problem, I whip out my rebounder (a mini-trampoline available at most super markets) to make up the missing steps while I watch TV.
5. Hydrate
The most over-used weight loss tip of all is mandatory for healthy weight loss. Without proper hydration, our bodies store fat, weight loss slows or stops, digestion decreases and muscular efficiency decreases.
We often mistake our body's yearning for water as hunger pangs. Don't feed your body's hunger for water with food. Instead get started drinking more water by allotting yourself eight 8-ounce glasses of water throughout your weight-losing day.
If you are drinking water as a replacement for your normal soft drink, this will put you miles ahead in your weight loss progress. Water is so good for weight loss, that if you only drank two quarts of water every day, you would lose an average of seven pounds per year.
6. Get Your Zees
Use the 8x8 formula to get the best weight loss from your slumber. Take your last 8-ounce glass of water before turning in - so that you do not go to bed dehydrated - and lose weight while you sleep for eight-to-ten hours.
Thanks to a study by University of Chicago five years ago, we know that people who sleep ten hours per night, lose more weight while sleeping than those who sleep less (four hours).
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